Knowledge Base
Identifying and blocking "Bad" Magento traffic
There's a number of common attacks on Magento stores; that can range from aggressive crawlers/bots, to XSS attacks, to severe SQL/compromise attacks. There are two approaches to dealing with attacks of this nature, Automated - Through the use of a WAF Manual - By traversing log files for patterns and blocking said patterns/sources as necessary … Continue reading
Correcting incorrect timestamp after server migration
An issue we (admittedly infrequently) come across when moving Magento stores from one server to another, is when the previous server's time was incorrect - causing all historical order data to be incorrect on MySQL import. More often than not, we see stores migrated from US West (-7:00) show orders that are in the future … Continue reading
Fix for "No search results" after CLI reindex on Magento Enterprise (SOLR)
Edit shell/abstract.php and add Mage::app()->addEventArea('adminhtml'); public function __construct() { if ($this->_includeMage) { require_once $this->_getRootPath() . 'app' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Mage.php'; Mage::app($this->_appCode, $this->_appType); + Mage::app()->addEventArea('adminhtml'); } $this->_applyPhpVariables(); $this->_parseArgs(); $this->_construct(); $this->_validate(); $this->_showHelp(); }
Finding all Magento secure URIs
We recently needed to try and identify all HTTPS URI's in a customer's store and had to quickly write a script to scan the core, local and community directories to find any pages that used HTTPS. This is by no means 100% accurate, but will be a good starter indication of finding URL's that are … Continue reading
Simple Magento performance/load testing with Mage-Perftest
Mage-Perftest is a simple Linux command line tool to test the performance of your Magento store, it can perform a number of clever operations which makes it far more suitable than siege or ab. Its not a replacement for fully fledged simulation tools (like jMeter), but it is simple to set up and run. You … Continue reading
The nolocal theming and packaging methodology
So this will cause ultimate uproar and go against the grain of every Magento developer - but we've got a solid process for theming - that does not use local.xml (more on that later). We always work off the base/default template - but zero out the CSS. Even though all designs don't particularly lend themselves … Continue reading
Deconstructing the cache image path on Magento
Deconstructing the cache image path /media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/m/e/me-d1_2.jpg |___________________________|_|_____|________________________________|_|_|__________| | | | | | | | Cache Directory | | | | | | Mage/Catalog/Model/Product/Media/Config.php | | | | getBaseMediaPath() | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Store ID | | | | Mage::app()->getStore()->getId() | | … Continue reading
APC and Memcache with Magento
You need to understand the clear distinction between these two products to understand how to use them. APC is both an OPCode Cache and Fast Backend Memcache is just a Fast Backend Using APC as an OPCode Cache Simply install the module on your server pecl install apc And enable it in your php.ini echo … Continue reading
MySQL and Magento Peformance Tuning
Define performance Do you mean the page load time for a single user, or the overall capacity/total concurrency? The two are very distinctly different - and not strictly related. It is entirely possible to have a fast store with limited capacity; or a slow store with lots of capacity. So when addressing either type of … Continue reading
Multiple SOLR Cores for Magento on Debian/Ubuntu/CentOS/RedHat
On Debian/Ubuntu The most straightforward installation is pretty easy using tomcat and your package manager. The dependencies will be met automatically. apt-get install tomcat6 On CentOS/RedHat You need to grab some alternative repo's to make this possible Eg. rpm -Uvh rpm -Uhv rpm -Uvh Then you can install the package from yum … Continue reading