Magento Sagepay Extension Ebizmarts faults and fixes

A client of ours needed to upgrade to a direct payment method for SagePay, so with Ebizmart's Sagepay approved extension, we grabbed a copy and popped it on. Unfortunately, it wasn't long before we started experiencing problems. We have contacted Pablo @ Ebizmarts who was relatively receptive about the issues, hopefully, they will be fixed in the next release. If we experience any other faults with the extension, we'll be sure to update this post (although, for a "paid" extension, I'm hoping that isn't the case).

Incorrect processing status

Even though there is an option to change the processing (after payment is authorised) status in System > Configuration > Payment Methods, it appears that this field is ignored. This is a quick fix thankfully. Editing ./app/code/local/Ebizmarts/SagePayServer/controllers/PaymentController.php on line +503, change
$status = Mage_Sales_Model_Order::STATE_PROCESSING;
$status = Mage::getStoreConfig(â