Magento Checklist for Design Elements
We are starting a new Magento Enterprise project today and whilst populating some of the base items in the Basecamp project, I thought it might be of use to the community to list the basic minimum items we add to our templating/skinning check-list for a Magento website.
Ignoring any project specific pages/customisations, the following list is the minimum pages we must skin/satisfy for a Magento project. It is also the list of designs that we ask clients/agencies to supply if they are supplying their own design for us to skin/build.
So in no particular order ...
Magento design check-list
Main Template
- Main template (header)
- Main template (top navigation)
- Main template (footer)
- Main template (footer navigation)
- Main template (favicon)
- Main template (1 col)
- Main template (2 col right)
- Main template (2 col left)
- Main template (3 col)
- Main template (notifications success/error/info)
Sidebar Elements
- Sidebar - Poll (vote overview)
- Sidebar - Poll (vote results)
- Sidebar - Checkout mini cart
- Sidebar - Wish list
- Sidebar - Newsletter
- Sidebar - Recently viewed
- Sidebar - Compare products
Back-end misc
- Administration (store address, telephone number)
- Administration (header image - emails/invoice pdfs)
- Category (grid view)
- Category (list view)
- Category (paginated content)
- Category (with layered navigation)
- Category (with layered navigation filter selected)
- Product pages (simple view)
- Product pages (configurable view)
- Product pages (grouped view)
- Product pages (bundle view)
Product Reviews
- Product Reviews (rating form)
- Product Reviews (single review view)
- Product Reviews (rating list view)
- Search (simple results view)
- Search (simple results view with layered navigation)
- Search (advanced search form)
- Search (advanced results view)
- Search (advanced results view with layered navigation)
- Search (popular search terms index view)
- Checkout (cart overview without products)
- Checkout (cart overview with products)
- Checkout (one page)
- Checkout (multi-address)
- Checkout (success)
- Checkout (failure)
- Customer Account (login)
- Customer Account (logout)
- Customer Account (forgot password)
- Customer Account (send to a friend)
- Customer Account (registration)
- Customer Account (dashboard)
- Customer Account (tags/reviews)
- Customer Account (wishlist)
- Customer Account (address book)
- Customer Account (orders)
- Customer Account (print order/shipment)
- Tags (all tags index view)
- Tags (catalog view)
- CMS (contact us)
- CMS (homepage)
- CMS (404 page)
- CMS (maintenance page)
- CMS (500 error page)