MySQL Disk Utilisation

The disk utilisation log can be found in the log directory, under the respective parent server name, and dated for each day:



It provides a breakdown of total utilsation, followed by a list of usage per database, and the largest tables within those.


* Current Disk Usage *

Size    Used    Avail   Use%    Mounted
115G    45G     65G     41%     mysql

* Usage Per Database *

Database            Size (MB)
========            =========
demo                19.19681549
mysql               0.63944721
munin_innodb        0.01562500
information_schema  0.00878906
performance_schema  0.00000000

* Largest Tables for Largest 1 Database *

Database         Table                                     Size (MB)
========         =====                                     =========
demo             ampersand_integration_message_identifier  10346.00
demo             ampersand_integration_flag                4969.75
demo             sales_flat_quote_address                  2348.70
demo             catalog_product_index_price_cl            2075.00
demo             sales_flat_quote_item_option              1952.72