Domains Disk Utilisation

The disk utilisation log can be found in the log directory, under the respective parent server name, and dated for each day:



It provides a breakdown of total utilsation, followed by a list of the largest files in each domain group and a breakdown per vhost.


* Current Disk Usage *

Size    Used    Avail   Use%    Mounted
28G     23G     3.5G    87%     domains

* Largest Files per Domain Group *

Domain-Group  File                                                              Size
============  ====                                                              ====
example       /domains/                      765MB

* Usage per vhost (this may take a while) *

Domain-Group  Vhost                                  Size
============  =====                                  ====
example       /domains/                   132MB
n/a           /home                                  45MB