Apache SOLR Administration

SOLR can be enabled for each domain name you have. Contact support to enable SOLR on the respective vhost. You can manage the SOLR admin interface here: https://solr.magestack.com/solr/ ! You must be connected to the VPN to use this service

Loadbalancer Administration with HAProxy

You can view active sessions to all web nodes, status and health of web nodes and distribution of load. You can access it via the following URL: https://haproxy.magestack.com ! You must be connected to the VPN to use this service

Stack Services Administration with Monit

You can view service statuses; stop, start and restart services across MageStack using the Monit management interface. Read more about Monit. You can access it via the following URL: https://mmonit.magestack.com ! You must be connected to the VPN to use this service

MySQL Administration with PHPMyAdmin

PHPMyAdmin is accessible at: Latest Version: http://phpmyadmin.magestack.com If you have multiple servers, you should access the servers respective PHPMyAdmin instance: i.e. http://phpmyadmin.2.magestack.com ! You must be connected to the VPN to use this service

Log Administration with Kibana

Kibana is a web interface to the centralised logging server. From here you can review logs from all nodes within MageStack; filter information, find trends or export statistics. Kibana is installed and accessible at: https://kibana.magestack.com ! You must be connected to the VPN to use this service

Stack Utilisation Graphs with Munin

Graphs are plotted for all major system information and also for each application running on each node. You can see an overview of Nginx connections, RAM usage and much more through the Munin graphs. The graphs are rendered and accessible via the monitoring server. You can access it via the following URL: http://munin.magestack.com ! You … Continue reading

Directory structure

Table of Contents/microcloud/backups_ro /microcloud/logs_ro /microcloud/domainsOnce logged in via SSH/SCP/FTP, you will soon familiarise yourself with the directory hierarchy. /microcloud/backups_ro |-mysql |---monthly |---weekly |---daily |-lost+found |-domains |---latest |---2013-05-05 |---2013-05-06 |---2013-05-07 This directory is read-only and contains your domain backups and database backups. ! 3 days of incremental file backups are kept ! 7 days of database … Continue reading

Hostnames and DNS

We have many universal DNS shortcut records set up for access, they are as follows: dh1 acc.magestack.com munin.magestack.com phpmyadmin.magestack.com mmonit.magestack.com dh2 acc.2.magestack.com munin.2.magestack.com phpmyadmin.2.magestack.com mmonit.2.magestack.com dh3 acc.3.magestack.com munin.3.magestack.com phpmyadmin.3.magestack.com mmonit.3.magestack.com dh4 acc.4.magestack.com munin.4.magestack.com phpmyadmin.4.magestack.com mmonit.4.magestack.com dh5 acc.5.magestack.com … Continue reading