What is an emergency

Examples of an emergency are:

  • Server is inaccessible and unresponsive from multiple locations
  • Store is inaccessible and unresponsive from multiple locations
  • Loss of ability to checkout

Examples of non emergencies are:

  • You are looking to prioritise a non-critical request above others
  • Your store or server is not down and is fully able to transact

Always check the network status prior to submitting any support tickets, as we may already be aware of the issue.

If you are using a third party proxy like CloudFlare, you must first map your HOSTS file direct to your server with Sonassi to ensure that the third party proxy is not at fault.

Required information when submitting an emergency ticket

The following information is required for an emergency ticket and failure to provide it may delay resolution for your issue. Information gathering is essential for our team to ascertain and resolve the fault.


Supply the full ping output to your server/store and include it in the ticket.


ping www.example.com


Supply the full traceroute output to your server/store and include it in the ticket.


traceroute www.example.com

Full error message, URL, Screenshot

If there is an error message, provide the complete error (or log), including a screenshot and URL where possible.

Third party test

In the event of an outage, you must test your store from an external location before submitting a ticket to ensure your own internet connection is not at fault. We recommend Pingdom.