Magento has been released!
- Added configuration to control redirection of customer after login to current page or account dashboard (default)
- Added events for before/after product validate
- Added method validate to Mage_Core_Model_Abstract
- Added validate before save on Catalog Category API
- Made urlrewrites controller load layout after initializing registry. Fixed wrong helper calls.
- Implemented modifiers for Email Template Filter var Directive
- Added ability specify frontend_class for add attribute method
- Removed “validate-postcode” javascript implementation
- Added an ability to specify section redirect & update on onepage checkout order place error
- Made order save call before email send for protect situation when email send but order not saved
- Made parent before save call in order shipment model
- Added ‘adminhtml_catalog_product_edit_tab_attributes_create_html_before’ event to have an ability to disallow display of ‘create attribute’ button on product edit pages
- Added ‘adminhtml_catalog_product_attribute_set_main_html_before’ and ‘adminhtml_catalog_product_attribute_set_toolbar_main_html_before’ events to have an ability to modify attribute set management blocks, added read-only mode on attribute set edit page
- Added ‘sales_sale_collection_query_before’ event and Mage_Sales_Model_Mysql4_Sale_Collection::addStoreFilter function
- Removed redundant save call in newsletter queue controller
- Made adminhtml product validation catching Core Exceptions
- Added event “http_response_send_before”
- Added ability to set sort order for fieldset elements
- Set UTF8 default charset on tables :tax_calculation_rate, tax_calculation_rate_title, tax_calculation_rule, tax_calculation
- Added getGroups method to application object, fixed getRootIds method in category manage blocks
- Fixed custom url rewrites issues (full action name, dynamic admin route name) {adminhtml}/controller/action - supported notation
- Added event for admin blocks before to html
- Added filesystem collection, added ability to specify expression instead of field name for DB collection
- Added column renderer for IP address fields
- Extended backup and extension collection from library file system collection
- Added folder column to extension collection
- Removed Mage_Extension_Collection_Abstract. Please use Varien_Data_Colection_Filesystem instead
- Fixed restriction on GET, POST to make possible to have parameters: module, controller, action
- Added validation for getimagesize function result for images resize
- Moved setOriginalData functionality from collection load method to afterLoad
- Changed using of read_connection to write_connection in flat catalog classes
- Fixed #11935: Google Base : Unable to connect - BadAuthentication
- Fixed #13014: Magento base birectory unwritable in Magento Connect Manager
- Fixed #13357: downloadable products - always showing pending - mistake in item.php - fix included
- Fixed #13654: Paypal IPN Invalid Completed
- Fixed #13706: Edit Order SQL Error
- Fixed #13728: Admin session timeout, lead to error in Manage Customer.
- Fixed #13730: Customer cloning when placing order from admin area to the website where customer not exist.
- Fixed #13733: Redirect on login page, after session timeout is absent.
- Fixed #13845: PDF: order item getDescription() is always empty
- Fixed #14024: Wrong encoding shipping rate’s name in PayPal Standard when it defined as Cyrillic
- Fixed #14071: categories management - “yellow bar” incorect behaviour
- Fixed #14131: Delete button disappears after scrolling to the down of the page
- Fixed #14138: Display ‘return to stock’ checkbox/column on creditmemo create page based on ordered product ‘manage stock’ option (override ‘can_subtract’ global config value).
- Fixed #14209: Bundle product - > Stock status is “In stock”, but options are unavailable
- Fixed #14222: Bestsellers Report Showing wrong totals
- Fixed #14229: Customers Online
- Fixed #14238: Cannot get into Admin
- Fixed #14248: Upgrade to 1.3.2 causes infinite loop in admin
- Fixed #14249: Shopping cart price rules Actions / conditions duplicated
- Fixed #14265: compiler module small issue with caching backends
- Fixed #14271: Database indexes appear to be equal and one of them should be removed
- Fixed #14279: Alert Email Translation
- Fixed #14281: PDF (invoice/creditmemo/shipping) split label in few lines
- Fixed #14283: PDF: fails if there are custom options for bundle product
- Fixed #14284: PDF in 1.3.2: Downloadable products titles and filenames
- Fixed #14287: customers who check out with paypal express are always sent the “new order” transactional email even when they are a guest
- Fixed #14296: PayPal Standard not capturing funds after invoicing
- Fixed #14301: Products not in category not appearing in search
- Fixed #14304: Low Stock Report even for products not managing stock
- Fixed #14335: Custom cms layouts gone in version
- Fixed #14343: Incorrect currency filter on ‘Manage products’ page in admin area when using multiple allowed currencies
- Fixed #14348: Bundle products->“Bundle items” tab doesn’t open when Compiler module is enabled
- Fixed #14349: Unable subcribe to the ‘General Subscription’
- Fixed #14360: Deactivated tagged products shows on “Products tagged with...” page
- Fixed #14369: Email to a Friend does not send the link
- Fixed #14383: Undefined Index: website_price / Tier Pricing Problem with global price scope
- Fixed #14392: Custom option “Time”
- Fixed #14402: Secure URL doesn’t used for ‘My downloadable products’ tab
- Fixed #14417: Bundle items is not printing in the Packingslip
- Fixed #14418: Google Sitemap contains disabled products and deactivated categories
- Fixed #14431: Default customer addresses doesn’t saved.
- Fixed #14442: importing tax rate erro
- Fixed #14508: Incorrect work of the SKU’s checkboxes in the Promotions
- Fixed #14513: Custom option “drop-down” issue
- Fixed #14517: Attribute for Configurable product lead to error
- Fixed #14546: “Sort by” reset
- Fixed #14569: REMOTE_ADDR used instead of HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR
- Fixed #14570: On “Customer Information” page, tab “Wishlist - 0 item(s)” does not contain added products.
- Fixed #14575: Incorrect calculating of the free shipping with bundle product with dynamic price
- Fixed #14597: Free shipping is working incorrectly
- Fixed #14600: Incorrect calculating of shopping cart discount with dynamic price bundle product
- Fixed #14623: Import popup - missing ‘charset=utf8’
- Fixed #14634: Invalid Object access while adding Image via SOAP2
- Fixed #14677: Gift message - e-mail displaying
- Fixed #14682: Text field in admin order after invoice
- Fixed #14683: On Customer Information page, Configurable product shown does not correctly.
- Fixed #14684: On Dashboard page, in statistics line, Tax have negative value
- Fixed #14685: On Dashboard page, diagram appears not correct information.
- Fixed #14686: CatalogSearch Result Controller Needs to init checkout/session layout messages
- Fixed #14694: After Delete rating, on front page, “rating star” still presents.
- Fixed #14697: notice when trying to process referrer URL
- Fixed #14699: wrong region code
- Fixed #14722: Broken design in IE8
- Fixed #14724: Sitemap file, does not deleted.
- Fixed #14739: Gift message for Configurable product, work does not correctly!
- Fixed #14760: White screen during Capture online PayPal UK express order
- Fixed #14761: Wishlist e-mail template not configurable by store view
- Fixed #14766: Catalog search failed (Detected an illegal character in input string) with specials chars in URL on Firefox 3
- Fixed #14770: Review Event Observers - make sure getters are used properly; also done in magento core
- Fixed #14773: Bundle products -> Incorrect price range
- Fixed #14775: Install in Console
- Fixed atrribute set validate method validate
- Fixed tag relations (renaming tags by customers)
- Fixed _store_to_url param unset
- Fixed category product root category index
- Fixed compiler ACL
- Fixed exceptions logging
- Fixed incorrect Shop by link for Clear All Items
- Fixed incorrect event observer conflict node on sendfriend module
- Fixed newsletter queue
- Fixed payment method validation in admin order creation
- Fixed required attributes validation
- Fixed strict restriction in methods declaration
- Fixed CCV response index, added CAVV response data storage